Free Grammar)进行语法分析(parsing)的算法。该算法最早由John Cocke,
Daniel Younger and Tadao Kasami分别独立提出,其中John
CNF(Chomsky Normal Form)是一种这样的语法标准: 如果一个CFG \(\epsilon-free\) ,而且它的规则只有如下两种形式:
\(A \rightarrow B C\)
\(A \rightarrow a\)
Step 1: Convert \(A \rightarrow
Bc\) to \(A\rightarrow BC, C\rightarrow
Step 2: Convert \(A \rightarrow
BCD\) to \(A \rightarrow BX, X
\rightarrow CD\)
parse table的规模为\((n + 1) \times
我们定义\(PT[n + 1][n]\) 表示parse
:]\) 依次存储字符串w中的每一个符号(\(a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n\) )。
& &\dots & \\
& \vdots & \ddots & \\
a_1 & a_2 & \dots &a_n
我们设根据给定CNF,即G能推导出w中第i到第j个字符的串的集合为\(x_{i,j}\) 。
对于最下面一行的元素,即\(x_{i,i}\) ,是使得\(A \rightarrow
a_i\) 是G的产生式的变元A的集合 。
整数k满足\(i \leq k < j\)
\(B \in X_{i,k}\)
\(C \in X_{k+1, j}\)
\(A \rightarrow
BC\) 是G的产生式
S \rightarrow AB|BC \\
A \rightarrow BA|a \\
B \rightarrow CC|b \\
C \rightarrow AB|a
\] 对L(G)测试字符串\(w =
baaba\) 的成员性构造Parse Table如下:
x_{1,5}=\{S, A,C\} & & & & \\
& x_{2,5}=\{S, A, C\} & & & \\
& x_{2,4}=\{B\} & x_{3,5}=\{B\} & & \\
x_{1,2} = \{S, A\} & x_{2,3}=\{B\} & x_{3,4}=\{S, C\} &
x_{4,5}=\{S, A\} &\\
x_{1,1} = \{B\} & x_{2,2} = \{A, C\} & x_{3,3} =\{A, C\} &
x_{4,4}=\{B \} & x_{5,5}=\{A,C\} \\
a_1 = b & a_2 = a & a_3 = a & a_4 = b & a_5 = a
最终得到\(x_{1,5}\) 集合之后,判断起始变元\(S\) 是否属于\(x_{1,5}\) 。如果是,则w可被G接受,反之不接受。
1 2 3 4 S -> AB A -> BC | a B -> AC | b C -> a | b
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 ''' Python 3.6.5 installed module: - tkinter ''' import reimport itertoolsimport tkinterfrom tkinter import ttkclass CNF (object ): def __init__ (self ): self .__rules = {} def read_file (self, filename ): with open (filename, 'r' ) as inFile: for line in inFile.readlines(): line = re.sub('[\n\t ]' , '' , line) rec_begin = line[:line.find('-' )] for element in line[line.find('>' ) + 1 :].split('|' ): if element in self ._CNF__rules: self .__rules[element].append(rec_begin) else : self ._CNF__rules[element] = [rec_begin] def get_inf (self, tar ): if isinstance (tar, list ) == False : exit() inf_set = [] for tarEle in tar: inf_set.extend(self .__rules.get(tarEle, [])) return list (set (inf_set))class CYK (object ): def __init__ (self, filename ): if isinstance (filename, str ) == False : exit() self .__str = '' self .__srtlen = 0 self .__canvas = [] self .__myCNF = CNF() self .__myCNF.read_file(filename) def get_str (self ): self ._CYK__str = input ('input string:\n' ).strip() if len (self ._CYK__str) == 0 : exit() self ._CYK__srtlen = len (self ._CYK__str) self ._CYK__canvas = list (list ([] for tmp in range (self ._CYK__srtlen)) for tmp in range (self ._CYK__srtlen + 1 )) for iter in range (self ._CYK__srtlen): self ._CYK__canvas[self ._CYK__srtlen][iter ].append(self ._CYK__str[iter ]) def CYK_process (self ): for col in range (self ._CYK__srtlen): self ._CYK__canvas[self ._CYK__srtlen - 1 ][col].extend(self ._CYK__myCNF.get_inf(self ._CYK__canvas[self ._CYK__srtlen][col])) for row in range (self ._CYK__srtlen - 2 , -1 , -1 ): for col in range (row + 1 ): mid_set = set () idx_i, idx_j = col + 1 , col - row + self ._CYK__srtlen for mid_k in range (idx_i, idx_j): fir_row, fir_col = idx_i - mid_k - 1 + self ._CYK__srtlen, idx_i - 1 sec_row, sec_col = mid_k - idx_j + self ._CYK__srtlen, mid_k mid_set |= set (obj[0 ] + obj[1 ] for obj in itertools.product(self ._CYK__canvas[fir_row][fir_col], self ._CYK__canvas[sec_row][sec_col])) self ._CYK__canvas[row][col].extend(self ._CYK__myCNF.get_inf(list (mid_set))) if 'S' in self ._CYK__canvas[0 ][0 ]: print ('%s can be accepted.' % self ._CYK__str) else : print ('%s can not be accepted.' % self ._CYK__str) def GUI_show (self ): def exc (line, step, row ): if isinstance (line, list ) == False and isinstance (line[0 ], list ) == False : exit() for col in range (len (line)): line[col] = str ('{' + '%s, ' * (len (line[col]) - 1 ) + '%s' * (len (line[col]) > 0 ) + '}' ) % (tuple (line[col])) if col <= row: line[col] = 'X%d,%d = ' % (col + 1 , step + col + 1 ) + line[col] return (line) window = tkinter.Tk() window.geometry('800x400' ) window.title('CYK algorithm' ) table = ttk.Treeview(window, height = 10 , show = 'headings' ) table['columns' ] = (list (elem for elem in range (self ._CYK__srtlen))) for col in range (self ._CYK__srtlen): table.column(str (col), width = 100 ) yscrollbar = tkinter.Scrollbar(window, orient = tkinter.VERTICAL, command = table.yview) table.configure(yscrollcommand = yscrollbar.set ) yscrollbar.pack(side = tkinter.RIGHT, fill = tkinter.Y) xscrollbar = tkinter.Scrollbar(window, orient = tkinter.HORIZONTAL, command = table.xview) table.configure(xscrollcommand = xscrollbar.set ) xscrollbar.pack(side = tkinter.TOP, fill = tkinter.X) for row in range (self ._CYK__srtlen): table.insert('' , row, values = exc(self ._CYK__canvas[row], self ._CYK__srtlen - row - 1 , row)) table.insert('' , self ._CYK__srtlen, values = (self ._CYK__canvas[self ._CYK__srtlen])) table.pack(side = tkinter.TOP, expand = 1 , fill = tkinter.BOTH) window.mainloop()def main (): myCYK = CYK('./CNF.cfg' ) myCYK.get_str() myCYK.CYK_process() myCYK.GUI_show()if __name__ == '__main__' : main()